
This page includes timeline and sametime a little bit of my goals on the way. The project has been going far longer than this blog has excisted, but here I have a chance to show the progress far from the start. Goals have been marked with cursive font.


December '14
Take off to Japan 26th of December.
Pack up and take all the things to be stored into storage.
Giving up the apartment keys before 24th of December.
Selling all the remaining furniture.
Taking the bunnies to their nursing homes.
The saving goal of 10 000 euros acchieved. 
N4 test held in Embassy of Japan in Helsinki.
- Moving done, furniture sold
- Gave up on apartment 23th of December
- Bunnies gone, going to miss them!
- Flight to Japan 27th of December

November '14
Notice the Helsinki apartments owner that we're leaving.
End the gym, phone, internet and other services which has long term of notice.
All the bunnies have places to go.
All the JLPT4 material learned.
Sell furniture and machinery which is not crucial for living.
Send the registration form in order to entry the N4 test in December. 
COE is supposed to be granted in the end of November, after that issue visa in embassy.
- COE granted
- The first 6 months of school paid
- Bunnies have places to go
- Apartment owner noticed
- All long services ended except phone
- Won't take a part in JLPT4
- None of furniture sold yet

October '14
250 300 kanji to be mastered  
Minna no Nihongo 2 half way
Start slowly packing unnecessary stuff
- Finished Minna no Nihongo 1, started with 2
- Packing started
- Kanji undone
- Money saving goal of 10 000 euro reached!

September '14
200 250 kanji to be mastered
Minna no Nihongo book 1 finished (new try) 
- In total 251 kanji learned
- Minna no Nihongo has few chapters undone

August '14
Second flea market, all must go!
150 200 kanji to be mastered
Minna no Nihongo book 1 finished 
- Received Minna no Nihongo books from the book store
- 181 Kanji learned
- Earned 140 euro from the flea market, sold almost everything.
- Minna no Nihongo 1 still midway.
- Accepted to study in Yoshida Institute!

July '14
Gather all the documents and send them to GoGoNihon.
Acchieve the visa garantee amount of 1 000 000 yen in savings.
Start gathering stuff for flea market
- New passport arrives.
- Due to lots of work able to save 1600 euros in a July.
- The amount of 1 000 000 yen is acchieved and bypassed! (~ 7 300 euros)
- Starts gathering up all the documents needed, scanning and translating what needed
- All documents completed and sent to Go!Go!Nihon!
- Starts gathering stuff to be sold in the next flea market in August.
- We find a place to leave one of our bunnies (Mai) to be taken care of while being in Japan.
- The idea about complishing also advanced level after intermediate studies emerges, stays unrealistic.
- 150 kanji mastered <3

June '14
Boost kanji studies when entrance exams are over.
Start gathering the documents needed.
Send applications to GoGoNihon
Go to flea market
Order the remaining books of the schools beginning course in order to be able to study them before leaving to Japan, to make sure we know most of what they teach in the beginners course.
- Entrance exams finally over.
- Decides to change school in Tokyo in a last minute to one closer new home in Koenji.
- Sends applications to GoGoNihon and pays the application fee.
- Applicates for a new passport.
- Masters 50 more kanji, now together 100.
- Orders the Minna no Nihongo books from Japan.
- Sells all together 6 boxes of stuff in flea market, earns 150 euros.

April '14
Focus on entrance exams.
Start gathering items to be sold in flea market.
- The studying for the entrance exams tightens up, not leaving time for much else than work and study.
- 12 boxes of stuff decided to sell in flea market in June.

March '14
Look for the flea maerket items.
Focus on entrance exams.
- Focus to study for Helsinki's Universitys entrance exams. Japanese studies are slowed down again.
- Able to keep up the tight saving schedule.
- Starting to gather up things for flea market in June in order to empty apartment a little.

February '14
Make the decisions about the apartment and calculate the costs.
- Able to save 700 euros in a month
- Decide the apartment in Koenji and pay the deposit and first months (january 2015) rent.

January '14
Applicate thtough GoGoNihon.
Calculate realistic plan how much actually needs to be saved for 9 month studies. 
- Starts reading for entance exams (university).
- Contacts GoGoNihon in order to applicate, get's a message to wait untill June.
- Decides to attend the N4 test in December 2014 in order to prove I'm on the right level to choose the intermediate program.
- Decides to start saving harder, by the calculates made, decided to set saving goal to 10 000 euros.


December '13
Attend to N5 test, pass the test.
- Couldn't attend in N5 test due to work.
- Contacted the rental apartments owner first time, discuss about the staying and prices.
- Month goes past terribly busy, studies are frozen.

November '13
- Decided the school I would like to applicate in Tokyo.
- Didn't attend the japanese course anymore.
- Decided to extend the studies to 9 months in order to be able to attend the full intermediate course.

October '13
- Work gets busy, able to save 500 euros in a month.
- Able to write 50 kanjis and accheved knoledge over most of the N5 adjectives and verbs.

September '13
- Able to write and read 40 kanjis.
- Gone through half of a finnish japanese study book Michi 1.

August '13
- Started working with kanji and word lists while working.
- Gazed through housing options in Tokyo.
- Attended on a language course about japanese, soon found out it to be too easy.

July '13
- Changed jobs, were able to start saving.
- Contacted GoGoNihon first time asking about some questions in my mind.
- Considered the beginner program to maybe be to easy for my level, created a plan to acchieve the masic on my own in Finland. The thought about 9 months in Tokyo emerged.
- Decided to take the N5 test in Japans Embassy in helsinki in December 2014.

June '13
- I started to count down what it would take to study 6 months in beginner program in Tokyo.
- I searched through GoGoNihon!:s page to form an idea about the cost of the half a year

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